The metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor
(MOSFET) is the most fundamental component of the contemporary digital circuits. Its main advantages are its
integration density,low power consumption
and ease of manufacturing which makes it possible to realize large
complex circuits in a economical fashion.
Cross section of NMOS transistor |
Fig shows a cross section of a typical n-channel MOS
transistor (NMOS) . Heavily doped n-type source and drain regions are implanted
into lightly doped p-type substrate(often called the body). A thin layer of
silicon dioxide(SiO2) is grown over the region between the source
and drain and is covered by a conductive material most often polysilicon forms
the gate of the transistor . Neighbouring devices are insulated using a thick
layer of SiO2 (called field oxide) and a reverse biase d np- diode
formed by adding an extra p+ region , called the channel stop implant(or
field implant).
NMOS can be considered to act as a switch . When a voltage
is applied to the gate that is larger then the threshold voltage VT. ,
a conducting channel is formed b/w drain and source.
In NMOS transistor , current is carried by electrons moving
through an n-type channel b/w source and drain. This is in contrast with p-n junction , where currnt
is carried by both holeds and electrons.
MOS devices made by using an n-type substrate and p+ drain
and source regions is called a PMOS , in such a device current is carried by
holes moving through the p-type channel.
Figure below shows the circuit symbols for various MOS transistors.
Circuit symbols for MOS transistors |
It should be noted that if the fourth terminal is not shown it is assumed that the substrate is connected to the appropriate supply.
First we will analyze the static behaviour of the MOS device using a NMOS device , all the arguments remain valid for PMOS devices as well.
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